Effective pills for treating male prostatitis

What pills for prostatitis are the most effective? Tablets for the treatment of prostate inflammation are prescribed individually and at a time when the causative agent of the disease has not yet been detected. Effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis in men abound, but they must be prescribed by a qualified specialist, even if they have no contraindications. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of prostate inflammation, and not just the symptoms, then the disease will not become chronic and the treatment will be effective.

doctor prescribes medication for prostatitis

What pills for prostatitis should be used? Preparations for the treatment of prostatitis are divided into several pharmaceutical groups: improving blood circulation, eliminating inflammation, antibiotics, antispasmodics, anti-infectives. If the pain is severe, painkillers should be used. If problems with urination are noted, alpha-blockers will help. Antidepressants have a good effect in treating the prostate.

Tablets for different stages of prostatitis

With chronic prostatitis, antibiotic therapy does not give the desired result, since the prostate is inflamed and the drug cannot get into the parenchyma. If a representative of the stronger sex has a stage of the disease without showing a contagious nature, antibiotics also remain the most effective drugs. With the resistance of prostatitis, alpha-blockers are taken to them.

The most effective painkillers for prostatitis:

  1. Drugs that treat inflammatory processes, improve metabolism and blood flow in the prostate, are used to treat chronic prostatitis. The duration of treatment varies within two years. The drugs are herbal complex and 90% effective in the treatment of antibacterial prostatitis. Taking medication reduces the symptoms of the disease and reduces the volume of the prostate, as well as the number of leukocytes in its secretion. Applicable as a drug to normalize urine volume and prevent prostatitis. Use is contraindicated in the case of particular sensitivity to plant extracts or allergies to them.
  2. Preparations for the treatment of prostatitis and adenomas containing phytosterol, zinc citrate, selenium and other additives. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases to zero, have antibacterial properties, reduce the signs of prostatitis in men, improve the functioning of the prostate, normalize reproductive function and are used as a dietary supplement. To prevent prostatitis, the treatment can be repeated several times a year.
  3. Means based on herbal raw materials block infection in the prostate. Characteristic is the effect not only on the urogenital system, but on the entire body. Eliminate stagnation in the pelvis, normalize the nervous system and sleep.
  4. Tablets that fill the blood with zinc. Type of application - inside. Means have an effect similar to the vitamin complex, fill the body with zinc and improve metabolism, quickly kill bacteria, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the growth of brain cells, maintain the level of vitamin A, improve immunity andthe appetite.

Painkillers for prostatitis

Thoughts about how to cure a male disease immediately arise when there is severe pain. Then essential drugs on the list are painkillers. Taking analgesics is one of the ways to treat prostatitis in men and relieve severe pain at home.

Advantages of pills over other treatments for prostatitis

How to treat prostatitis is clear to many, but the benefits of certain methods of treating the disease are not for everyone. Preparations may be in the form of suppositories intended for oral administration; injections that stimulate the activity of the prostate; Instillations, when the drug is administered pointwise at the desired site; enemas, little used today; and finally the pills, which served as the subject of the article.

Pills from prostatitis have the following advantages:

  1. easy to use - you can treat the disease with pills anywhere and at any time of the day;
  2. have a quick effect;
  3. Pills for prostatitis are cheap;
  4. do not cause pain and discomfort to a man during treatment, unlike injections or enemas;

Victory over prostatitis is more than real! Health is important to every person, and prostatitis pills, which doctors improve and invent every day, will help to correct it.